1–2 minute read

Plant communities of Orange County

Our terrain consists mainly of broad upland ridges on gently rolling hills, with low-energy streams cutting narrow floodplains. Soils are typically acidic, but rare areas of more neutral soil are found at scattered locations.

Soil moisture can be used to group our natural communities into four broad themes, two wetland and two upland. The image below shows wetland communities in blue and upland communities grading from moist (green) to dry (yellow):

FloodplainAlluvial, Bottomland
Non-alluvialUpland Depression Swamp, Low Elevation Seep
MesicMesic Mixed Hardwood
Piedmont Heath Bluff
Dry-mesic to DryDry-Mesic Oak-Hickory
Dry Oak-Hickory
Xeric Hardpan

